copperfields // new build passivhaus

A new build replacement dwelling to achieve Certified Passivhaus Classic on a sensitive site in Gloucestershire

This project is for a new build replacement passivhaus home, at the top of a sloping site in rural Herefordshire.

The proposed dwelling seeks to be distinctive: a reflection of the time of its construction yet relating to the surrounding context by echoing key aspects of the proportion, scale, siting, materials and massing of the buildings within the vicinity without resorting to slavish copying of traditional aesthetics.

The principle elevation of the building has two wall finishes which both reflect the context: a red brick which responds to the local vernacular, and a more recessive, naturally weathered, diagonal rain-screen timber cladding to the upper portion of wall above, which becomes a soft silver-grey over time.

This red brick wall delineates the buildings on the site whilst creating definition of private spaces to both the west and the east of the site: by wrapping around the northern gable and extending through the garden to also link the out-building to the dwelling, it forms a strong presence on the site even when viewed from different sides.

To the rear (east) elevation the timber cladding is divided into alternating panels, defined by the window positions. Both of the gables are clad in matching timber cladding as these face informal garden ground.

The simplicity of the elevations have a robust quality, with more relaxed and private elevations facing the garden to the south and east, with a single window to the north reserved for capturing a specific view to limit heat loss.

The architecture reflects a modern interpretation of the local mixed vernacular of a pitched roof, simply formed, linear building with largely vertical emphasis windows.

The site can be viewed from a wider context and is set against the backdrop of May Hill, an important local landmark. Detailed analysis has been undertaken to ensure ecological protection is in place to enhance the biodiversity of both plant and animal life.

Planning Approval was granted subject to various Conditions, including that the dwelling be Passivhaus Certified in order to secure a low energy, low carbon solution for this sensitive site.


king's park // extension


the coach house // conversion